
Badges are compact elements for labeling, highlighting status, or displaying notifications. They support various sizes, colors, and optional icons to enhance visual communication.

Basic Usage

Badges come in three sizes and multiple colors to match your design system. The default badge uses a neutral color scheme.

Basic Badge Sizes

Small Medium Large


Choose from a wide range of colors to convey different meanings or match your brand palette. Each color comes with optimized contrast for both light and dark modes.

Badge Colors

Zinc Red Green Blue Yellow Purple Rose


Add icons to badges to enhance their meaning or provide visual cues. Icons automatically adjust their size based on the badge size.

Badges with Icons

Completed Pending Failed Notification

Common Use Cases

Here are some typical scenarios where badges are commonly used:

Badge Use Cases

Online Status indicators
99+ Notification counters
Premium Feature labels

API Reference


Property Type Default Description size string 'medium' Badge size: 'small', 'medium', 'large' color string 'zinc' Badge color theme icon string - Name of the icon to display

Available Colors

zinc zinc
red red
orange orange
amber amber
yellow yellow
lime lime
green green
emerald emerald
teal teal
cyan cyan
sky sky
blue blue
indigo indigo
violet violet
purple purple
fuchsia fuchsia
pink pink
rose rose

Size Comparison

Size Example Use Case small Small Compact spaces, lists medium Medium General use, default size large Large Featured content, emphasis

Best Practices

  • Use consistent sizes within the same context
  • Choose colors that have semantic meaning in your application
  • Keep badge text concise and clear
  • Use icons sparingly and only when they add value
  • Consider color contrast for accessibility
Pro tip: Combine badges with other components like buttons or cards to create more complex UI patterns.